
Silhouettes of head made from colourful puzzle pieces

There are many treatments for body image distress and eating disorders. For example, cognitive-behavioural therapy is considered by many to be the current gold standard for treating eating disorders and aims to change problematic thoughts by challenging their validity and exposing individuals to disconfirming evidence (e.g., with mirrors or videos). However, there is a high dropout rate and not everyone gets better. As such, studies must continue to investigate new therapeutic approaches.

Select Publications

Taube-Schiff, M., Mehak, A., Ferreira, N., Kalim, A., Ungar, T., & Mills, J.S. (2018). Treatment within an adult mental health day program: Examining psychosocial outcomes. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disorders, 206, 562–566. DOI: 10.1097/NMD.0000000000000847

Vella-Zarb, R., Mills, J.S., Westra, H., Carter, J.C., & Keating, L. (2015).  A randomized controlled trial of motivational interviewing for binge eating.  International Journal of Eating Disorders, 48, 328-332. DOI: 10.1002/eat.22242.

Weiss, C., Mills, J.S., Westra, H., & Carter, J.C. (2013).  A preliminary study of motivational interviewing as a prelude to intensive treatment for an eating disorder. Journal of Eating Disorders, 1, 34.

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